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This is a SQL backend for dbplyr tailored to take into account DuckDB's possibilities. This mainly follows the backend for PostgreSQL, but contains more mapped functions.

tbl_file() is an experimental variant of dplyr::tbl() to directly access files on disk. It is safer than dplyr::tbl() because there is no risk of misinterpreting the request, and paths with special characters are supported.

tbl_function() is an experimental variant of dplyr::tbl() to create a lazy table from a table-generating function, useful for reading nonstandard CSV files or other data sources. It is safer than dplyr::tbl() because there is no risk of misinterpreting the query. See for details on data importing functions.

As an alternative, use dplyr::tbl(src, dplyr::sql("SELECT ... FROM ...")) for custom SQL queries.

tbl_query() is deprecated in favor of tbl_function().

Use simulate_duckdb() with lazy_frame() to see simulated SQL without opening a DuckDB connection.


tbl_file(src, path, ..., cache = FALSE)

tbl_function(src, query, ..., cache = FALSE)

tbl_query(src, query, ...)




A duckdb connection object


Path to existing Parquet, CSV or JSON file


Any parameters to be forwarded


Enable object cache for Parquet files


SQL code, omitting the FROM clause


if (FALSE) { # duckdb:::TEST_RE2 && rlang::is_installed("dbplyr")
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb(), path = ":memory:")

db <- copy_to(con, data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[2:4]))

db %>%
  filter(a > 1) %>%

path <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[2:4]))

db_csv <- tbl_file(con, path)
db_csv %>%
  summarize(sum_a = sum(a))

db_csv_fun <- tbl_function(con, paste0("read_csv_auto('", path, "')"))
db_csv %>%

DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)